You see once I imported(not today-long time ago)Classic Sonic 3D model asset from the game(pc version of course)Classic Sonic had multiple mouth 3D layers(he’s running smoothly in Sonic Generations). Of course assets of Classic Sonic were extracted from Sonic Generations and then long time ago imported to Unreal Editor 4. I used Dash Engine and help of members of Dash Engine HUB(discord server)(I wasn’t that experienced before of importing 3D Classic Sonic gameplay before in unoffcial fanmade UE4 framework) when I tried to manually in UE4(in Dash Engine folder)files Dash Engine stopped loading up and I deleted backup files(I still have that one with malfuntioning Classic Sonic movements)because I was trying to find some custom directional gravity-like plugin for Unreal Engine 4.23.4. Very hard working and time consuming goal to achieve(I hope Ubisoft someday will make Rayman 4 or probably never speaking of 3D platformers game genre). Once upon the time I started revivals of some cancelled Sonic games.