Then you'll have that profile to use with that plane with all your desired buttons and such AND the modded response curves that can be called up in just a couple of seconds using the GUI in the main menu or in-cockpit. When you change a response curve you then save it to something like 'sopcamel' or whatever the name of the plane it'll be used with is. Say you have that generic one selected (mine's just named 'x52' after the stick I use). map file with all of your preferred button and control device inputs, you can use it as a template later when/if you get into adjusting joystick response curves. Just pick a name you'll easily recognize in the dropdown menu of the 'controls' GUI. That's from the very top of the page when you open it, so the devs have made it clear themselves from the get-go that making changes to it are a bad idea. (Well, it is still possible, but on your own risk o)) IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO CHANGE ANYTHING HERE! map file has said pretty much all through ROF's existence: map file, which can be overwritten by game updates. My standard advice when setting controls: Each time you make a change to a control assignment, save it, and NOT to the default 'input'. I've never cared for or used any joystick software and have had no trouble binding that slider to mixture, a rotary to altitude throttle, or anything else with my X-52 Pro, or before that with my stock X-52.

map file in ROF to start with that includes your preferred control assignments. I'd suggest you leave the Saitek SST software alone and just create a generic. I tried to use these - " onclick="window.open(this.href) return false "> I did try the profile already provided by Saitek and it just will not work. If anyone has a good profile for the x52 (non pro) that would work for ROF, it would be appreciated. saitek X52.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href) return false "> … %20X52.jpg ie the scroll wheel or the left right and up and down hat switch. My other option is to map the keys to the forefinger controls on the opposite side. I have unmapped all other functions in game away from this slider and I have no luck at all. I am trying to set my mixture to the precision slider. Blank.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href) return false "> … 0Blank.jpg I am having an issue setting up my Saitek X52 with the throttle controller section.